Responsible for content according to §6MDStV: Gregor Schaffarik Liability note: Even though the content has been checked we refuse any liability for contents of external links. The owner of linked websites is solely responsible for their content. The publication of the E-Mail address is no consent to receive unsolicited E-Mails according to TKG§101.Design & Homepage: Katrin & Inno Fail OGContent Management System: leubit.comPrivacy statementAccess Data/Server-Logfiles
This website (or the web space provider) collects data about every access to the offer (so-called server log files).
This includes
• Name of the Website
• Date and time of the visit
• Shown files
• Transferred amount of data
• Browser type and version
• Operatingsystem
• Previously visited websites
• IP-address
• Requesting Povider
All log data is used exclusively for statistical evaluation and to improve the operation and security of the offer. In case of unlawful use, the provider reserves the right to check the log data retrospectively.
Handling of personal data
Personal information is information that identifies or unambiguously identifies a person's identity, such as name, contact information, hobbies, preferences, and previously visited web pages.
Gregor Schaffarik collects no personal data, with the exception of those that are voluntarily specified by users for the purpose of contacting. By completing the contact form, making a call or contacting us by e-mail, you expressly consent to the collection of your personal data in order to contact us.
When contacting the provider (contact form, e-mail or telephone), the details of the user are stored in order to process the request. These data will under no circumstances be disclosed to third parties. The only exception is to share your contact information (e-mail or phone number) with partner companies who are directly involved in the proper processing of your request or order. In this case, however, you will be informed in advance about the disclosure and must expressly agree to this.
Integration of services and contents of third parties
The site operator of Gregor Schaffarik has no influence on whether your IP address is saved by the third party (eg for statistical purposes). However, we would like to point out that this possibility exists and is probable.
Cookies are small files used to store specific information related to the computer or other device. They can improve the user-friendliness of web pages, but they can also be used to collect and store statistical data, analyzed and thus used to improve the offer.
Gregor Schaffarik or the webspace provider sets cookies, with the aid of which the access data / server log files are recorded and evaluated. You can influence this by restricting or preventing the storage of cookies in your browser. If you do not, you automatically agree to the use of cookies. We point out that the use and comfort without cookies may be restricted.
Callback, changes, corrections and updatesEvery visitor to Gregor Schaffarik has the right to receive free information about personal data stored by him. In addition, personal data, in particular telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and other information will be deleted on request, unless there is a statutory retention requirement. |